Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
99580 Rev. Fr. Corps Gras
100274 Rev. Fr. Histotechnol
776381 Rev. Franç. Corps Gras
36978 Rev. Franç. Géotech
36977 Rev. Franç. Mécanique
102745 Rev. G. de Méd Acte du Colloque Bioéthique et médecine, Besançon
99547 Rev. Gen. Therm. Fr
28794 Rev. Int. Génie Électr
30037 Rev. Int. Hautes Temp. et Réfract
30038 Rev. Int. Hautes Temp. et Réfract
30036 Rev. Int. des Hautes Temp. et Réfract
161462 Rev. Integr. Bus. Econ. Res
31876 Rev. Mat. Complut
56170 Rev. Mat. Iberoam
50841 Rev. Mat. Iberoamericana
32985 Rev. Mat. Iberoamericana 20
48303 Rev. Med. Int
51675 Rev. Palaeobot. Palynol
50579 Rev. Prat
99688 Rev. Roum. Biochim
121595 Rev. Roum. Sci. Techn. – Électrotechn. et Énerg
95015 Rev. Semin. Iberoam. Mat
136988 Rev. arb
28892 Rev. bras. Paleontol
87086 Rev. crit. DIP. Revue Critique de Droit International Privé 0035-0958 Sirey [1934-1997] - Dalloz [1998-....]
51248 Rev. de Géomorphologie dynamique, XXXVIe
46908 Rev. de Méd. Psychosom
746953 Rev. des aff. europ
747001 Rev. du droit de l’UE
154538 Rev. mal. resp
62075 Rev. sci. tech. Off int. Epiz
775248 Rev. sociétés
131689 Rev.CAMES-Série A
148573 Rev.Mex.Astron.Astrofis
118677 Rev.Mod.Phys
172769 Rev.Mod.Phys
176893 Rev.Phys
158381 Rev.Sci.Instrum
914688 RevCAD Journal of Geodesy and Cadastre 2068-5203 Universitatea „1 Decembrie 1918”, Alba Iulia, Romania
181966 Revart 1841-1169 Timisoara 2015
166841 ReveLA. Realidades y Visiones sobre Latinoamérica
91028 Revel
177721 Revelar: Revista de Estudos da Fotografia e Imagem 2183-3958 Universidade do Porto
790889 Revell. Revista de Estudios Literarios da UEM
73162 Revenue & Yield Management eJournal
8220 Revenue Law Journal 1034-7747 William S. Hein & Co., Inc
747235 Revenue Pénitentiaire
772097 Reverbe 2804-634X
164957 Reverso : Revista de Psicanálise 0102-7395 Círculo Psicanalítico de Minas Gerais
47074 Revi Kiltir Kreol
397469 Revi Kiltir Kreol Nelson Mandela Centre for African Culture (Île Maurice)
18645 Review - Literature and Arts of the Americas 0890-5762 Taylor & Francis
149268 Review 31 Houman Barekat
82015 Review Financial Studies
157840 Review Historique de Pondichéry
153448 Review Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 2195-7177
108630 Review Volume « Contemporary Developments in Finite Fields and Applications »
56867 Review for Economic Research on Copyright Issues
30557 Review in Advanced Material Science
100536 Review in Advanced Materials Sciences
27317 Review of Accounting & Finance
18647 Review of Accounting Studies 1380-6653 Springer Verlag
144786 Review of Accounting Studies 1573-7136
18646 Review of Accounting and Finance 1475-7702 Emerald
18648 Review of African Political Economy 0305-6244 Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
18649 Review of Agricultural Economics 1058-7195 Wiley-Blackwell
131911 Review of Agricultural and Applied Economics (RAAE) 1336-9261 RAAE
63210 Review of Agricultural and Environmental Studies
104507 Review of Agricultural and Environmental Studies 2334-2404
165382 Review of Agricultural and Environmental Studies 2117-4857
165374 Review of Agricultural and Environmental Studies-Revue d'Etudes en Agriculture et Environnement
111294 Review of Agricultural, Food and Environmental Studies 2425-6870 Springer
163085 Review of Agricultural, Food and Environmental Studies
180901 Review of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation
162306 Review of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation - RofASSS 2732-5903 COMOKIT, GAMA modeling and simulation platform
19565 Review of Austrian Economics 0889-3047 Springer Verlag
105475 Review of Behavioral Economics 2326-6198 Now Publishers
102004 Review of Behavioural Finance 1940-5979 Emerald
2069 Review of Biblical Literature 1099-0046 Society of Biblical Literature
855890 Review of Biblical Literature
8221 Review of Black Political Economy 0034-6446 Springer Verlag
162315 Review of Business Management 1983-0807
178128 Review of Business and Economics Studies 2308-944X
18650 Review of Central and East European Law 0925-9880 Brill Academic Publishers
540325 Review of Central and East European Law
110207 Review of Cognitive Linguistics
40375 Review of Communication Routledge
431200 Review of Computer Engineering Studies 2369-0755
98098 Review of Contemporary Business Research 2333-6412 American Research Institute for Policy Development
8223 Review of Contemporary Fiction 0276-0045 Review of Contemporary Fiction
488416 Review of Croatian History 1845-4380 Hrvatski institut za povijest
162249 Review of Current Business Issues 1882-7357 Yamanashi gakuin
18651 Review of Derivatives Research 1380-6645 Springer Verlag
18652 Review of Development Economics 1363-6669 Wiley
116339 Review of Development Economics
82041 Review of Development Finance
18768 Review of Diabetic Studies 1613-6071 The Society for Biomedical
77989 Review of Economic Analysis
18644 Review of Economic Design 1434-4742 Springer Verlag
116222 Review of Economic Design
18653 Review of Economic Dynamics 1094-2025 Elsevier
164944 Review of Economic Perspectives
48299 Review of Economic Research on Copyright Issues 1698-1359 Society for Economic Research on Copyright Issues
20784 Review of Economic Studies
8224 Review of Economic Studies 0034-6527 Oxford University Press (OUP)
144760 Review of Economic Studies 0034-6527
53437 Review of Economic and Business Studies
129159 Review of Economics & Finance 1923-7529 Toronto Better Advances Press
135128 Review of Economics and Business Administration = Mağallaẗ al-ʿulūm al-iqtiṣādiyyaẗ wa-idāraẗ al-aʿmāl 2616-6704 Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Lebanese University
176466 Review of Economics and Finance REFPRESS
91985 Review of Economics and Institutions
8225 Review of Economics and Statistics 0034-6535 Massachusetts Institute of Technology Press (MIT Press)
18654 Review of Economics of the Household 1569-5239 Springer Verlag
120147 Review of Economics of the Household
8227 Review of Education, Pedagogy and Cultural Studies 1071-4413 Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
8228 Review of Educational Research 0034-6543 SAGE Publications
8229 Review of English Literature 0486-6053
8230 Review of English Studies 0034-6551 Oxford University Press (OUP)
87913 Review of Environment, Energy and Economics
70939 Review of Environmental Economics and Policy
313559 Review of Environmental Economics and Policy 1750-6816
649031 Review of European Administrative Law - REALaw
8231 Review of European Community and International Environmental Law 0962-8797 Wiley
365350 Review of European New Markets
128740 Review of European Studies 1918-7173 Canadian Center of Science and Education
95272 Review of European Studies
132506 Review of European Studies 1918-7181 Canadian Center of Science and Education
105801 Review of European, Comparative & International Environmental Law 2050-0394 Wiley
160828 Review of Evolutionary Political Economy 2662-6136
13283 Review of Finance 1572-3097 Oxford University Press (OUP): Policy F - Oxford Open Option D
937603 Review of Finance
8232 Review of Financial Economics 1058-3300 Elsevier
132385 Review of Financial Economics
176366 Review of Financial Economics
18655 Review of Financial Studies 0893-9454 Oxford University Press (OUP)
100745 Review of Financial Studies / The Review of Financial Studies
103619 Review of Financial Studies, The
13756 Review of General Psychology 1089-2680 American Psychological Association
40376 Review of Higher Education 0162-5748 Johns Hopkins University Press
18656 Review of Income and Wealth 0034-6586 Wiley
111165 Review of Income and Wealth
45950 Review of Indonesian and Malaysian Affairs
20788 Review of Industrial Organization 0889-938X Springer US
143075 Review of Industrial Organization
87278 Review of Institution and Economics
102352 Review of Integrative Business and Economics Research 2304-1013 SIBR
19566 Review of International Affairs 1475-3553 Taylor & Francis
18657 Review of International Economics 0965-7576 Wiley
130480 Review of International Economics
103806 Review of International Economics 1467-9396
19567 Review of International Organizations 1559-7431 Springer Verlag
18658 Review of International Political Economy 0969-2290 Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
577717 Review of International Political Economy 1466-4526
18659 Review of International Studies 0260-2105 Cambridge University Press (CUP)
109660 Review of Keynesian Economics 2049-5323 Edgar Elgar
109851 Review of Keynesian Economics
848003 Review of Law & Economics 2194-6000
560824 Review of Law &mathsemicolon Economics
40377 Review of Law and Economics 1555-5879 De Gruyter
102353 Review of Management Innovation & Creativity 1934-6743 Intellectbase International Consortium
40378 Review of Managerial Science 1863-6683 Springer Verlag
59665 Review of Marketing Research
40379 Review of Marketing Science 1546-5616 De Gruyter
52719 Review of Mathematical Physics
8234 Review of Metaphysics 0034-6632 Philosophy Documentation Center
18660 Review of Middle East Economics and Finance 1475-3685 De Gruyter
58798 Review of Middle East Studies
282617 Review of Military History Université de Bucarest
40380 Review of Modern Logic 1047-5982
2070 Review of Network Economics 1446-9022 De Gruyter
143083 Review of Network Economics
18661 Review of Pacific Basin Financial Markets and Policies 0219-0915 World Scientific Publishing
18662 Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 0034-6667 Elsevier
380952 Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology
172833 Review of Paleobotany and Palynology
133271 Review of Philosophy and Psychology 1878-5158 Springer
18663 Review of Physics in Technology 0034-6683 Institute of Physics (IOP)
120618 Review of Plant Pathology 0034-6438
8235 Review of Policy Research 1541-132X Wiley
18664 Review of Political Economy 0953-8259 Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
152594 Review of Political Economy
8236 Review of Politics 0034-6705 University of Notre Dame
8237 Review of Popular Astronomy 0034-6713
618976 Review of Public Economics
18408 Review of Public Personnel Administration 0734-371X SAGE Publications
18665 Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting 0924-865X Springer Verlag
18666 Review of Rabbinic Judaism 1568-4857 Brill Academic Publishers
18667 Review of Radical Political Economics 0486-6134 SAGE Publications
169180 Review of Radical Political Economics
20789 Review of Radical Political Economy
40382 Review of Regional Studies 0048-749X Oklahoma State University College of Business Administration
8238 Review of Religion 0196-5344
110949 Review of Religion and Chinese Society 2214-3947 Brill
919540 Review of Religion and Chinese Society
18668 Review of Religious Research 0034-673X Springer Verlag
18669 Review of Research in Education 0091-732X SAGE Publications
753917 Review of Science, Mathematics & ICT Education 1792-3999 Laboratory of Didactics of Sciences, Mathematics and ICT, Department of Educational Sciences and Early Childhood Education - University of Patras
168956 Review of Scientific Instrument
8239 Review of Scientific Instruments 0034-6748 American Institute of Physics
8240 Review of Social Economy 0034-6764 Taylor & Francis (Routledge)